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How to Build a Multichannel B2B Retargeting Strategy (Step-By-Step)

Silvio Perez

With long sales cycles staying top of mind is half the battle when it comes to B2B.

In this blueprint you’ll learn how to build a multichannel B2B retargeting strategy across:

  • LinkedIn 
  • Meta (Facebook & Instagram)
  • X (Twitter)
  • & YouTube

So you can stay omnipresent and convert users across channels. 

I know you’re going to love it, let’s get started! ❤️


Recommended Channels: 

  • LinkedIn Ads 
  • Meta (Facebook & Instagram)
  • X (Twitter)
  • YouTube

Minimum Budget:

  • $1,000/month (for 1 channel)

Recommended Targeting:

Channel Remarketing Audience Timeframe
LinkedIn Ads
  • All website visitors
  • All company page visitors
  • All document interactions
  • All past event attendees
  • All lead gen form opens and submits
  • All single-image ad interactions
  • All 25-97% video viewers
  • All pricing, demo, trial & case study visits
  • All meeting no-shows
  • All closed lost contacts
30, 90, 180 days
Meta (Facebook & Instagram)
  • All website visitors
  • All Facebook page visitors
  • All Instagram page visitors
  • All past event attendees
  • All lead gen form opens and submits
  • All 25-95% video viewers
  • All pricing, demo, trial & case study visits
  • All meeting no-shows
  • All closed lost contacts
30, 90, 180 days
X (Twitter)
  • All website visitors
  • All 50-100% video viewers
  • People who saw your tweets
  • Followers of your X (Twitter) profile
  • All pricing, demo, trial & case study visits
All time (Can't segment timeframe for X)
  • All website visitors
  • All YouTube video viewers
  • All YouTube subscribers
  • All pricing, demo, trial & case study visits
30, 90, 180 days

Step 1:  Confirm Your Remarketing Pixels are Installed

This is a mandatory first step, and something that needs to be done first.

These pixels are how the ad platforms are able to track users activity and provide you the ability to remarket them with various campaigns and offers. 

Even if you’re not planning to advertise soon on any channels, I HIGHLY recommend creating a free ad account and installing that platform pixel on your site to start building your remarketing pool. 

Here’s what this will look like for each channel.

How to Install the LinkedIn Ads Pixel In 4 Steps

  1. Create a free LinkedIn Ads account 
  2. Navigate to the “Analyze” → “Insight Tag” section
  3. Choose how to install your tag (recommend Google Tag Manager aka GTM)
  4. In Google Tag Manager, create a new tag type with LinkedIn Insight and fire on all pages
(Image: example installing LinkedIn Insight tag in Google Tag Manager) 

How to Install the Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads Pixel In 6 Steps

  1. Create a free Facebook Ads account
  2. In the Ads Manager navigate to “Events Manager” → “Connect Data Sources”
  3. Connect “Web” as a new data source and name your pixel (ex: Meta Pixel)
  4. Select your new pixel under “Data Sources” and navigate to “Overview”  → “Setup Pixel”
  5. Choose how to install your pixel (recommend Google Tag Manager aka GTM)
  6. In Google Tag Manager, create a new tag type with Custom HTML  and fire on all pages
(Image: example installing Meta Pixel in Google Tag Manager) 

How to Install the X (Twitter) Ads Pixel In 4 Steps

  1. Create a free X (Twitter) Ads account
  2. In the Ads Manager navigate to “Events Manager” → “Add Event Source”
  3. Install with “Pixel code” and allow 1st-party cookies
  4. In Google Tag Manager, create a new tag type with Custom HTM  and fire on all pages
(Image: example installing Twitter Pixel in Google Tag Manager) 

How to Install the Google Ads Pixel In 5 Steps

By installing the Google Ads pixel you’ll be able to remarket to website visitors on YouTube because Google owns YouTube and all campaigns are created in the same ads manager. 

  1. Create a free Google  Ads account
  2. In the Ads Manager navigate to “Audience Manager” → “Your Data Sources”
  3. Select “Google Ads Tag” → “Edit Source” 
  4. Select “Tag Setup” recommend “Use Google Tag Manager” and copy your ID
  5. In Google Tag Manager, create a Google Ads Remarketing tag and fire on all pages
(Image: example installing Google Ads Pixel  in Google Tag Manager) 

Once complete, confirm all pixels are installed correctly on your website with GTM Preview:

(Image: example debugging tags with Google Tag Manager preview)

Remarketing audience size requirements for Meta, YouTube, LinkedIn & X (Twitter)

  • Meta (Facebook & Instagram) = 1,000 audience members
  • YouTube  = 100 audience members
  • LinkedIn = 300 audience members
  • X (Twitter) = 100 audience members

Now that you’ve installed all the pixels for the platforms you’re interested in you’ll need to allow the  pixels time to build your cookie pool to meet audience minimums. 

I’ve seen it take  7-30+ days depending on monthly engagement or traffic volumes for the retargeting segment you’re trying to build (ex: website visits, video views, post engagement, etc..).

Step 2: Create all possible retargeting segments by time frame.

Once your remarketing audience has met minimums it’s time to build your segments. 

This step will vary depending on how large your retargeting audience is. 

In a perfect world we’ll want to create retargeting segments for the following timeframes:

Timeframe Assumption
0 - 30 days Most likely to convert and engage since they’ve recently engaged with your brand.
31 - 90 days Second likely to convert and engage since they’ve engaged with your brand in the past.
90 - 180 days Least likely to convert and engage since they haven’t engaged with your brand for a while.

The advantage of creating retargeting segments by time frame is:

✅ Easily see which cohort performs best

✅ Allocate more budget to the top performing time frame

✅ Align offers and messaging accordingly 

Watch this video to better understand the thought process behind leveraging different remarketing segments by timeframes:

In addition to testing timeframes we want to combine as many relevant remarketing segments together in each cohort so we can scale up our overall audience size (more on this in Step 4).

Depending on the channel you’re advertising on, the available remarketing segments will vary.

Here are my go to choices for each channel below. 

Top 10 LinkedIn Ads retargeting segments:

Segment Timeframe Description
1 All website visitors 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has visited your website.
2 All company page visitors 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has visited your LinkedIn company page.
3 All document interactions 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has interacted with your document ads.
4 All past event attendees 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has RSVP’d for your past LinkedIn events.
5 All lead gen form opens and submits 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has opened or submitted your lead forms.
6 All single-image ad interactions 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has interacted with your single image ads.
7 All 25-97% video viewers 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has watched 25-97% of your video ads.
8 All pricing, demo, trial, and case study bouncers 30 days Anyone that has viewed your intent pages and left.
9 All meeting no-shows 30 days Anyone that booked a meeting and didn’t attend.
10 All closed lost opportunities 90, 180 days Any contacts from lost deals.

Top 9 Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads retargeting segments: 

Segment Timeframe Description
1 All website visitors 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has visited your website.
2 All Facebook page visitors 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has visited your Facebook company page.
3 All Instagram account visits 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has visited your Instagram company page.
4 All past event attendees 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has RSVP’d for your past Meta events.
5 All lead gen form opens and submits 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has opened or submitted your lead forms.
6 All 25-95% video viewers 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has watched 25-95% of your video ads.
7 All pricing, demo, trial, and case study bouncers 30 days Anyone that has viewed your intent pages and left.
8 All meeting no-shows 30 days Anyone that booked a meeting and didn’t attend.
9 All closed lost opportunities 90, 180 days Any contacts from lost deals.

Top 5 X (Twitter) Ads retargeting segments: 

Segment Timeframe Description
1 All website visitors All time
(Can’t segment timeframe for X)
Anyone that has visited your website.
2 All 50-100% video viewers All time
(Can’t segment timeframe for X)
Anyone that has watched 50-100% of your video ads.
3 People who saw your tweets All time
(Can’t segment timeframe for X)
Anyone that has seen your tweets organic or paid.
4 Followers of your X (Twitter) profile All time
(Can’t segment timeframe for X)
Anyone that follows your X (Twitter) profile.
5 All pricing, demo, trial, and case study bouncers All time
(Can’t segment timeframe for X)
Anyone that has viewed your intent pages and left.

Top 4 YouTube Ads retargeting segments: 

Segment Timeframe Description
1 All website visitors 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has visited your website.
2 All YouTube video viewers 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has watched 50-100% of your videos.
3 All YouTube subscribers 30, 90, 180 days Anyone that has subscribed to your YouTube channel.
4 All pricing, demo, trial & case study bouncers 30 days Anyone that has viewed your intent pages and left.

Depending on your audience sizes you might not be able to use shorter timeframes. 

If that’s the case, default to the next longest one:

For example: 

❌30 days < 1,000 audience size? Try 90 days

❌90 days < 1,000 audience size? Try 180 days

❌180 days < 1,000 audience size? Hold off on remarketing until your audience sizes build

Build out each relevant remarketing combination for the channels you want to advertise on. 

Step 3: Adjust targeting and exclusion parameters.

Equally important to who you’re targeting is who you exclude. 

With all your retargeting segments created it’s clear who you’re going to target. 

Now it’s time to get clear on who you’ll exclude for each cohort (e.g. 30, 90, 180 days). 

Exclusion audiences allow you to remove users who aren’t a good fit for your targeting. 

Here’s my go-to exclusions by channel. 

Top 8 LinkedIn Ads Exclusion Audiences:

Exclusions Description
1 All thank you page visits Anyone that visited your form thank you page.
2 All lead gen form submits Anyone that has submitted your lead forms.
3 All existing customers Any contacts of existing customers.
4 All competitors Anyone that works at your competitors' companies.
5 All partners Any existing partners that shouldn’t be included.
6 Poor fit titles or job functions Anyone who works in roles you don’t support.
7 Irrelevant company sizes Anyone that works at orgs with employee counts.
8 Lookalike of disqualified leads Anyone similar to your disqualified leads.

Top 9 Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads Exclusion Audiences: 

Exclusions Description
1 Age ranges < 21 Anyone that isn’t older than 21 years old.
2 All thank you page visits Anyone that visited your form thank you page.
3 All lead gen form submits Anyone that has submitted your lead forms.
4 All existing customers Any contacts of existing customers.
5 All competitors Anyone that works at your competitors' companies.
6 All partners Any existing partners that shouldn’t be included.
7 Poor fit titles Anyone who works in roles you don’t support.
8 Irrelevant industries Anyone that works in industries you don’t support.
9 Lookalike of disqualified leads Anyone similar to your disqualified leads.

Top 6 X (Twitter) Ads Exclusion Audiences: 

Exclusions Description
1 Age ranges < 21 Anyone that isn’t older than 21 years old.
2 All thank you page visits Anyone that visited your form thank you page.
3 All brand unsafe keywords Any content keywords you don’t want to show for.
4 All brand unsafe handles Any profile content you don’t want to show for.
5 All existing customers Any contacts of existing customers.
6 Lookalike of disqualified leads Anyone similar to your disqualified leads.

Top 6 YouTube Ads Exclusion Audiences: 

Exclusions Description
1 Age ranges < 25 Anyone that isn’t older than 25 years old.
2 All thank you page visits Anyone that visited your form thank you page.
3 All existing customers Any contacts of existing customers.
4 Kids YouTube channels Any YouTube channels for children.
5 Music YouTube channels Any YouTube channels hosting music videos.
6 Foreign YouTube channels Any YouTube channels outside your language.

Feel free to remove and add the exclusions that make sense for your business and who you’re ultimately trying to reach with your retargeting campaigns. 

By no means should you only use the ones I outlined above, some will make sense others won’t. 

Once you’re clear on who you’ll exclude it’s time to align on content and offers.

Step 4: Align on retargeting content and offers. 

Now that you’re clear on who you’ll target and exclude for each cohort. Let’s chat about what content and offers you’ll want to show them. 

First things first, don’t make the mistake of only showing offers to people in your remarketing audience. This is the equivalent of following someone all day asking them to buy something.

This is what Corporate Bro has to say about that 😂

Recommended B2B Remarketing Budget Allocation: 

Avoid leaving a bad impression and potentially hurting your brand by also adding content in the mix.

50% of your remarketing budget should go towards adding value to your audience, and 50% goes towards asking them to convert on something (ex: Demo, Trial, Event, etc…)

With this budget allocation you’re rotating offers and content equally to your remarketing cohorts (e.g. 30, 90, 180 days) and letting the users decide which asset they're interested in. 

Which leads us to common remarketing mistakes you’ll want to avoid. 

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Retargeting:

1. Only promoting offers 

Avoid a pitch fest and split your remarketing budget 50/50 between content and offers as outlined above. 

2. Retargeting on assumption instead of action

Don’t create these crazy retargeting flows where someone must do X then Y and finally you’ll give them Z. This kills your retargeting audience size and you’re assuming that you’ll be correct 3/3 times (idk about you but I’m not great at guessing). 

Instead show them everything equally (content and offers) and then once they decide to click on an ad, watch a video etc… you can now create unique campaigns to remarket off that activity (now you’re no longer assuming they are interested). 

3. Not using all available retargeting segments 

Don’t rely on 1 segment alone like a website visitor segment. Instead combine multiple segments together with an OR statement in the same timeframe to scale up your overall retargeting audience so you have more flexibility to layer filters. 

4. Failing to refresh creative to offset fatigue 

There’s nothing worse than seeing the same ad 1,000 times. This can be easily avoided by creating a workflow to refresh your creatives on a monthly basis. 

Just changing the creatives for the same offers and content will create a new experience for users and help offset ad fatigue. 

Watch this video to learn more about how to monitor and overcome ad fatigue:

When we talk about remarketing content and offers equally – what exactly does that mean? 

  • White papers?
  • Webinars?
  • Tutorials?
  • Demos?
  • Trials?

The list goes on, and on…

There are 1,000s of offers and content you could potentially promote. 

To help simplify and conceptualize this, here are 4 useful remarketing buckets inspired by Canberk Beker, Global Head of Paid Media at Cognism from episode 2 of Behind the Ads.


Recommended Remarketing Buckets by Timeframe:

Asset Timeframe Description
1 Product Marketing 30 , 90 Content that focuses on promoting the capabilities of your product.
2 Social Proof 30 , 90 Content that promotes your product through others' words and results.
3 Thought Leadership 90, 180 Content that educates your target audience and positions you as an expert.
4 Offers 30, 90 Any other type of ad where you’re asking your target audience to convert.

B2B Retargeting Ad Examples:

Product Marketing 

(Content that focuses on promoting the capabilities of your product)

Social Proof 

(Leveraging others words and results in our ads)

(Image: example of a social proof ad)

Thought Leadership

(Content that educates your target audience and positions you as an expert)

(Image: example of a thought leadership ad)


(Any other type of ad where you’re asking  your target audience to convert)

(Image: example of an offer ad)

Armed with your content and offers by time frame there’s one last step to do. 

Step 5: Build all Relevant Retargeting Campaigns.

After going through steps 1-4 you should be clear on:

  • Which channels you’re going to advertise on 
  • What retargeting segments you’ll leverage
  • Which exclusion audiences you’ll block
  • What content/offers you’ll showcase

Let’s wrap up with how these campaigns should be built. 

B2B Retargeting Campaign Structure:

Here’s what the retargeting campaign structure will look like at 10,000 feet:

Couple of important call outs:

Every campaign has its own unique timeframe and retargeting bucket. 

This makes pacing, optimization, and reporting really easy. 

All retargeting segments within the same timeframe are grouped together as an OR.

This allows you to scale your retargeting audience size overall within the cohort. 

Combine segments together with OR not AND. 

Naming conventions are clear and consistent from the campaign to ad level. 

This allows you to easily find your campaigns and reporting on performance. 

Here’s how to build these campaigns out for each channel.

How to Build LinkedIn Retargeting Campaigns:

Make sure to disable Audience Expansion and the LinkedIn Audience Network for all LinkedIn retargeting cohort campaigns.

This will prevent LinkedIn from serving your ads to people not in your retargeting audiences and outside of the LinkedIn platform. 

Create the following campaigns in the LinkedIn Ads campaign manager across whichever timeframes are applicable for your account: 

Cohort #1: 30-Day LinkedIn Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (30D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (30D) | Image | Awareness
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (30D) | Video | Conversions
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (30D) | Carousel | Engagement

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus =  Brand Awareness, Engagement, Video Views
  • Conversion focus = Lead Generation or Conversion

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences (layer titles or function if possible): 

  • All website visitors (30D)
  • All company page visitors (30D)
  • All document interactions (30D)
  • All past event attendees (30D)
  • All lead gen form opens and submits (30D)
  • All single-image ad interactions (30D)
  • All 25-97% video viewers (30D)
  • All closed lost contacts (30D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Maximize delivery
  • Conversion focus = Manual CPC

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial)

(Image: Example of 30D remarketing campaigns built in LinkedIn)

Cohort #2: 90-Day LinkedIn Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (90D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (90D) | Image | Awareness
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (90D) | Video | Conversions
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (90D) | Carousel | Engagement
  • EX: USA | Thought Leadership | Remarketing (90D) | Image | Awareness

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus =  Brand Awareness, Engagement, Video Views
  • Conversion focus = Lead Generation or Conversion

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences (layer titles or function if possible): 

  • All website visitors (90D)
  • All company page visitors (90D)
  • All document interactions (90D)
  • All past event attendees (90D)
  • All lead gen form opens and submits (90D)
  • All single-image ad interactions (90D)
  • All 25-97% video viewers (90D)
  • All closed lost contacts (90D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Maximize delivery
  • Conversion focus = Manual CPC

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial), thought leadership

(Image: Example of 90D remarketing campaigns built in LinkedIn)

Cohort #3: 180-Day LinkedIn Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (180D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (180D) | Image | Awareness
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (180D) | Video | Conversions
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (180D) | Carousel | Engagement
  • EX: USA | Thought Leadership | Remarketing (180D) | Image | Awareness

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus = Brand Awareness, Engagement, Video Views
  • Conversion focus = Lead Generation or Conversion

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences (layer titles or function if possible): 

  • All website visitors (180D)
  • All company page visitors (180D)
  • All document interactions (180D)
  • All past event attendees (180D)
  • All lead gen form opens and submits (180D)
  • All single-image ad interactions (180D)
  • All 25-97% video viewers (180D)
  • All closed lost contacts (180D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Maximize delivery
  • Conversion focus = Manual CPC

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial), thought leadership

(Image: Example of 180D remarketing campaigns built in LinkedIn)

Optional: 30-Day LinkedIn Offer Bouncers Campaign

If you have the audience size available creating an offer bouncer campaign that shows personalized creative to folks who visited your intent pages and didn’t convert is worth testing. 

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | {Offer Name Bouncers} (30D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | Demo | Demo Page Bouncers (30D) | Conversation | Lead Gen

Recommended Objectives:

  • Conversion focus = Lead Generation or Conversion

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences (layer titles or function if possible): 

  • All pricing, demo, trial, and case study bouncers
  • All meeting no-shows

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Conversion focus = Manual CPC

Ads: Offers

(Image: Example of 30D offer bouncer campaigns built in LinkedIn)

How to Build Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Retargeting Campaigns:

Highly recommend selecting manual placements of feeds and stories for Facebook & Instagram with creative in the correct dimensions  to prevent your ads from appearing in the wrong formats. 

Also don’t recommend delivering on the Audience Network or Video Feeds based on our past results, and make sure to not to run on Reels unless you have unique creative for that placement. 

Always make sure your creative matches the placement it appears for.

(Image: Example of selecting manual placements in Meta)

Create the following campaigns in the Meta Ads campaign manager across whichever timeframes are applicable for your account: 

Cohort #1: 30-Day Meta Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (30D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (30D) | Image | Awareness
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (30D) | Video | Sales
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (30D) | Carousel | Traffic

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus =  Awareness, Traffic, Engagement
  • Conversion focus = Leads or Sales

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences

  • All website visitors (30D)
  • All Facebook page visitors (30D)
  • All Instagram page visitors (30D)
  • All past event attendees (30D)
  • All lead gen form opens and submits (30D)
  • All 25-95% video viewers (30D)
  • All closed lost contacts (30D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Maximize reach of ads, link clicks, engagement, or views
  • Conversion focus = Maximize number of conversions or leads

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial)

(Image: Example of 30D remarketing campaigns built in Meta)

Cohort #2: 90-Day Meta Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (90D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (90D) | Image | Awareness
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (90D) | Video | Sales
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (90D) | Carousel | Traffic
  • EX: USA | Thought Leadership | Remarketing (90D) | Image | Engagement

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus =  Awareness, Traffic, Engagement
  • Conversion focus = Leads or Sales

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences

  • All website visitors (90D)
  • All Facebook page visitors (90D)
  • All Instagram page visitors (90D)
  • All past event attendees (90D)
  • All lead gen form opens and submits (90D)
  • All 25-95% video viewers (90D)
  • All closed lost contacts (90D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Maximize reach of ads, link clicks, engagement, or views
  • Conversion focus = Maximize number of conversions or leads

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial), thought leadership

(Image: Example of 90D remarketing campaigns built in Meta)

Cohort #3: 180-Day Meta Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (180D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (180D) | Image | Awareness
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (180D) | Video | Sales
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (180D) | Carousel | Traffic
  • EX: USA | Thought Leadership | Remarketing (180D) | Image | Engagement

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus =  Awareness, Traffic, Engagement
  • Conversion focus = Leads or Sales

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences

  • All website visitors (180D)
  • All Facebook page visitors (180D)
  • All Instagram page visitors (180D)
  • All past event attendees (180D)
  • All lead gen form opens and submits (180D)
  • All 25-95% video viewers (180D)
  • All closed lost contacts (180D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Maximize reach of ads, link clicks, engagement, or views
  • Conversion focus = Maximize number of conversions or leads

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial), thought leadership

(Image: Example of 180D remarketing campaigns built in Meta)

Optional: 30-Day Meta Offer Bouncers Campaign

If you have the audience size available creating an offer bouncer campaign that shows personalized creative to folks who visited your intent pages and didn’t convert is worth testing. 

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | {Offer Name Bouncers} (30D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | Demo | Demo Page Bouncers (30D) | Image | Leads

Recommended Objectives:

  • Conversion focus = Leads or Sales

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences

  • All pricing, demo, trial, and case study bouncers
  • All meeting no-shows

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Conversion focus = Maximize number of conversions or leads

Ads: Offers

(Image: Example of 30D offer bouncer campaigns built in Meta)

How to Build X (Twitter) Retargeting Campaigns:

With X (Twitter) we don’t have the ability to filter by time frame so we’ll create the following campaigns in the ads manager: 

Cohort #1: All Time (Twitter) Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (All Time) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (All Time) | Image | Reach
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (All Time) | Video | Conversions
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (All Time) | Carousel | Engagement
  • EX: USA | Thought Leadership | Remarketing (All Time) | Image | Reach

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus = Reach, Video Views, Engagement, Website Traffic
  • Conversion focus = Conversions or Keywords

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences

  • All website visitors (All Time)
  • All 50-100% video viewers (All Time)
  • People who saw your tweets (All Time) 
  • Followers of your X (Twitter) profile (All Time)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content or conversion focus = Autobid

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial), thought leadership

(Image: Example of all time remarketing campaigns built in X)

Optional: All Time X (Twitter) Offer Bouncers Campaign

If you have the audience size available creating an offer bouncer campaign that shows personalized creative to folks who visited your intent pages and didn’t convert is worth testing. 

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | {Offer Name Bouncers} (All Time) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | Demo | Demo Page Bouncers (All Time) | Image | Conversions

Recommended Objectives:

  • Conversion focus = Conversions or Keywords

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences:

  • All pricing, demo, trial, and case study bouncers
  • All meeting no-shows

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content or conversion focus = Autobid

Ads: Offers

(Image: Example of all time offer bouncer remarketing campaigns built in X)

How to Build YouTube Retargeting Campaigns:

Create the following campaigns in the YouTube Ads campaign manager across whichever timeframes are applicable for your account: 

Cohort #1: 30-Day YouTube Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (30D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (30D) | In-Stream | Views
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (30D) | In-Stream | Conversions
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (30D) | In-Stream | Views

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus =  Get views
  • Conversion focus = Drive conversions

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences

  • All website visitors (30D)
  • All YouTube video viewers (30D)
  • All YouTube subscribers (30D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Max CPV
  • Conversion focus = Maximize conversions

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial)

(Image: Example of 30D YouTube remarketing campaigns built in Google Ads)

Cohort #2: 90-Day YouTube Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (90D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (90D) | In-Stream | Views
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (90D) | In-Stream | Conversions
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (90D) | In-Stream | Views
  • EX: USA | Thought Leadership | Remarketing (90D) | In-Stream | Views

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus = Get views
  • Conversion focus = Drive conversions

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences

  • All website visitors (90D)
  • All YouTube video viewers (90D)
  • All YouTube subscribers (90D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Max CPV
  • Conversion focus = Maximize conversions

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial), thought leadership

(Image: Example of 90D YouTube remarketing campaigns built in Google Ads)

Cohort #3: 180-Day YouTube Retargeting

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | Remarketing (180D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | PM Content | Remarketing (180D) | In-Stream | Views
  • EX: USA | Demo | Remarketing (180D) | In-Stream | Conversions
  • EX: USA | Social Proof | Remarketing (180D) | In-Stream | Views
  • EX: USA | Thought Leadership | Remarketing (180D) | In-Stream | Views

Recommended Objectives:

  • Content focus =  Get views
  • Conversion focus = Drive conversions

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences:

  • All website visitors (180D)
  • All YouTube video viewers (180D)
  • All YouTube subscribers (180D)

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Content focus = Max CPV
  • Conversion focus = Maximize conversions

Ads: Product marketing content, social proof, offers (ex: Demo, Trial), thought leadership

(Image: Example of 180D YouTube remarketing campaigns built in Google Ads)

Optional: 30-Day YouTube Offer Bouncers Campaign

If you have the audience size available creating an offer bouncer campaign that shows personalized creative to folks who visited your intent pages and didn’t convert is worth testing. 

Campaign Name: {Location} | {Offer} | {Offer Name Bouncers} (30D) | {Ad Type} | {Objective}

  • EX: USA | Demo | Demo Page Bouncers (30D) | In-Stream | Conversions

Recommended Objectives:

  • Conversion focus = Drive conversions

Recommended Daily Budget: $25-$100/day

Recommended Audiences (layer titles or function if possible): 

  • All pricing, demo, trial & case study visits

Recommended Bid Strategies: 

  • Conversion focus = Maximize conversions

Ads: Offers

(Image: Example of 30D YouTube offer bouncer campaigns built in Google Ads)

B2B Retargeting FAQ

There’s no shortage of questions around implementing successful retargeting campaigns. 

We completely understand the complexity (especially when it’s your first time building them). 

Here’s 5 of the most common retargeting questions we hear from clients:

How long does it take to build a retargeting audience?
  •  7-30+ days depending on monthly engagement or traffic volumes for the retargeting segment you’re trying to build (ex: website visits, video views, post engagement, etc..)  

How many channels should you advertise on?
  •  Focus on one advertising channel at a time when you have a limited budget (ex: < $3,000/month) master it and then expand to other channels over time. 

How do you calculate your starting retargeting budget? 
  •  $25-$100/day is a general rule of thumb you can follow as it’s enough to support the average costs per platform and coverage for small retargeting audiences when starting out. 

How does retargeting work?
  •  Leveraging first party and third party data ad platforms are able to track user behavior in-app and out of platform allowing you to remarket to them based on past behavior. 

How often do you need to refresh creatives for retargeting? 
  •  A smaller audience size (ex: < 50,000) typically requires more frequent creative refreshes vs a larger one (ex: > 50,000) to prevent ad fatigue. At minimum you should aim to refresh ad creatives on a monthly basis to stay ahead of ad fatigue. 

Launch Checklist 

We’ve covered quite a bit in this blueprint! 

Here’s a checklist we put together to help you easily reference when launching your retargeting campaigns to make sure you don’t forget anything and avoid common pitfalls. 

Conclusion & Free Courses

Hope you received a tremendous amount of value from the blueprint! 🎉

If you’re serious about mastering B2B advertising then you definitely need to join 1,000+ B2B marketers leveling up their paid advertising skill sets in AdConversion. 

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